
Leipzig - the new berlin?

Me and kid trying to get the spirit of the so called "new berlin" ... Said that: berlin will always be our number one but Leipzig is pretty sexy as well! Dont u agree? xoxo


Paradise? Really? Yesyesyes.

Riding this wave called life, trying to find the right place to figure out practical questions like "how is the new job", "how is living in my new appartment", I stumbled upon paradise. The place - incredibly rich of joy and love - is where I left a little piece of my heart: Bali


Officially done.

It's official! I just finished my studies in Corporate Communication Management.... Yaaaaaaaaay!! :) I'm revealed and excited about what comes next. I was thinking about going abroad for a while? Brasil? Peru? For now I'll be enjoying freedom in Berlin though.


New Design of Living?

Today we went to the Beach in Holland (here we go again) and we explored new beachhouses available to rent. I loved how the sky is reflected in the front window of those cute little houses. Waking up on the beach, taking a swim in the ocean ... I love it! On the other hand: Do the houses ruin the beautiful landspace aka beach skyline? With their minimalistic design and pureness I think they do not, what do u think?

Splat! in the name of love.

You make my day. Every day.

When it comes down to love, I got to thinking: How do we find out if its right? Do u just feel it or is it something you have to explore? Is there a receipe about love? And if so, how do we actually get it? These questions have been asked million times before and they will be asked in the future again and again. But why do we keep on questioning if we dont know the answer? Maybe its time to stop questioning and let go of the if's and but's.

Stuttgart Public Library. Minimalistic architecture at its best.

Take me home.

Welcome to my crib! :) Homes and how they are designed are extremly fascinating for me. I always tend to decide to go to someones place instead of a restaurant. But why am I so inquisitive about someones place to live? Well I guess, because it might be true: the way we design our home represents our inner self? I designed my room like a little castle. Does this say about me: "dat gurl wants her some princessssss!" No, I guess I just wanted it to be romantic. Well, I guess since we sleep most of our life and normally we do that in our home, we want it to be nice, cosy and secure. How did u decorate your home?


Chez IMA Frankfurt a.Main

Today we had lunch at Chez IMA ( Levi's Hotel) in Frankfurt and it was extremely delicious! I ordered the small vegetarian freestyle plate with freshly made hummus, pickled cucumbers (loved them!), tomato relish, cooked mushrooms, sour cream, carrots, potato cookie and salad. On top of this well-flavored dish I ordered the home made lemon drink, which was very fresh and sour juuuuuuust how I like it 
Total pay: 8,50 €
I definitely recommend going there. :)

Catchin' floating flowers.

Gimme a break from writing. I needed that break. Catching flowers while letting the sun kiss my hair. Butterflies in my stomach. Goosebumps on my skin - feeling high on life! :)


Ich bin was ich trage.

Der Sommer lässt derzeit nicht zu wünschen übrig. Mit all ihrer Kraft strahlt die Sonne mit dem Lächeln auf den Gesichtern der Berliner um die Wette. Ich befinde mich in einer Zwickmühle: Treiben lassen im Großstadtdschungels des Sommers oder meine Bachelorabreit zu Ende bringen? Meist gewinnt Berlin - wir sind einfach schon zu lange in einer von Harmonie geprägten Liaison.

Ein kleiner Vorgeschmack auf meinen zweiten Lover des Sommers aka Bachelorarbeit:

Ich bin was ich trage.

"Die gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz und Anerkennung wird in der heutigen Zeit an Schönheitskriterien gemessen. Folglich sind in unserer liberalen, von vielen Zwängen befreiten Welt, Kleider und Körper elementar und werden fokussiert thematisiert. Die künstliche Konstruktion von Attraktivität ist immer wichtiger. In allen Bereichen des Lebens tritt man auf die Bühne einer Castingveranstaltung. Den Körper zu gestalten, am Projekt Ich-AG zu arbeiten, ist sinnbildlich für den medialen-industriellen Komplex indem sich die berliner Jugendlichen befinden."


Vgl. Pia Reinacher: Kleider - Körper - Künstlichkeit


KDW Festival @ Stattbad Wedding

Yaaaay. We had a great KDW Festival @ Stattbad Wedding - one of the coolest venues in Berlin! :) I was talking about: "Der Amerikanische Traum nach der Zwangsraeumung. Von der Abwesenheit der Menschen zum Eigenleben der Dinge."
Oh and one of my favourite berlin photographers Carolin Saage was showing her beautiful pictures! Go check her out:
(The picture of the naked lady is hers!)